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Forschung 6: ribosomale DNA - die Gene für die rRNA

Artikel in Zeitschriften:

Kunz,W. and Schäfer,U. (1975). Unabhängige Kontrolle der rDNA-Replikation im Y-Chromosom von Drosophila hydei. Nachricht. Akad. Wiss. Göttingen, II. Math. -Phys. Klasse 11, 67-69. 

Kunz,W. and Schäfer,U. (1975). Schwankungen im Y-chromosomalen rDNA-Gehalt bei Drosophila hydei. Verh. Dtsch. Zool. Ges. 115. 

Renkawitz,P.R. and Kunz,W. (1975). Underreplication of satellite DNAs in polyploid ovarian tissue of Drosophila virilis. Chromosoma 49, 375-382.

Renkawitz,R. and Kunz,W. (1975). Independent replication of the ribosomal RNA genes in the polytrophic-meroistic ovaries of Calliphora erythrocephala, Drosophila hydei, and Sarcophaga barbata. Chromosoma 53, 131-140. 

Schäfer,U. and Kunz,W. (1975). Two separated nucleolus organizers on the Drosophila hydei Y chromosome. Mol. Gen. Genet. 137 , 365-368. 

Kunz,W. and Schäfer (1976). Variations in the number of the Y chromosomal rRNA genes in Drosophila hydei. Genetics 82, 25-34. 

Kunz,W. and Schäfer,U. (1976). Relation between the ribosomal RNA gene number and the bobbed phenotype in Drosophila hydei. Gesellschaft für Biologische Chemie 357, 324. 

Schäfer,U. and Kunz,W. (1976). Ribosomal DNA content and bobbed phenotype in Drosophila hydei. Heredity. Edinburgh. 37, 351-355. 

Kunz,W. (1978). Längenheterogenität der rRNA-Cistrons bei kompensierter und stabil vererbter rDNA bei Drosophila hydei. Cytobiologie - European Journal of Cell Biology 18, 203. 

Kunz,W. and Glätzer,K.H. (1979). Similarities and differences in the gene structure of the three nucleoli of Drosophila hydei. Hoppe-Seyler's Z. Physiol. Chem. 360, 313. 

Grimm,C. and Kunz,W. (1980). Disproportionate rDNA replication does occur in diploid tissue in Drosophila hydei. Mol. Gen. Genet. 180, 23-26. 

Renkawitz,P.R., Glätzer,K.H., and Kunz,W. (1980). Characterization of cloned ribosomal DNA from Drosophila hydei. Nucleic. Acids Res. 8, 4593-4611. 

Franz,G. and Kunz,W. (1981). Intervening sequences in ribosomal RNA genes and bobbed phenotype in Drosophila hydei. Nature 292, 638-640. 

Kunz,W., Grimm,C., and Franz,G. (1981). Autonome Steuerung der rRNA-Genzahl bei der Organdifferenzierung von Drosophila hydei: eine Abweichung von der Regel der Genomkonstanz. Zoologischer Anzeiger 74 127-133. 

Kunz,W. (1981). The "ribosomal insertion" in Drosophila hydei: a mobile genetic element? Eur. J. Cell Biol. 24, 14. 

Kunz,W., Petersen,G., Renkawitz,P.R., Glätzer,K.H., and Schafer,M. (1981). Distribution of spacer length classes and the intervening sequence among different nucleolus organizers in Drosophila hydei. Chromosoma 83, 145-158. 

Renkawitz,P.R., Glätzer,K.H., and Kunz,W. (1981). Ribosomal RNA genes with an intervening sequence are clustered within the X chromosomal ribosomal DNA of Drosophila hydei. J. Mol. Biol. 148, 95-101. 

Franz,G., Kunz,W., and Grimm,C. (1983). Determination of the region of rDNA involved in polytenization in salivary glands of Drosophila hydei. Mol. Gen. Genet. 191, 74-80. 

Schäfer,M. and Kunz,W. (1985). rDNA in Locusta migratoria is very variable: two introns and extensive restriction site polymorphisms in the spacer. Nucleic. Acids Res. 13, 1251-1266.



Kunz,W., Grimm,C., and Franz,G. (1982). Amplification and synthesis of rDNA: Drosophila. In The Cell Nucleus, H.Busch, ed. (New York: Academic Press), pp. 155-184.